Would you like to support your company's development by moving closer to your clients and suppliers? invest-HUB's search service will give you the opportunity to examine the advantages of setting up your activity in business premises or plots within a cluster gathering stakeholders of specific economic sectors
What's a cluster?
Clusters are groups of companies and institutional and academic stakeholders working in a specific economic field within the same geographic area. These clusters are the result of the specialisation of a given territory around strategic sectors. They gather different stakeholders of the whole value chain (suppliers, service providers, research and technological development, purchasers and so on). Competitive clusters are a form of cluster recognised by French law.
Clusters: outstanding locations
Clusters reflect the territory's expertise in a particular sector. They are also characterised by the public and private stakeholders' willingness to enhance this expertise through research, training and networking.
Clusters give companies the opportunity to develop strong synergies with businesses working in the same economic sector, to have access to several resources (equipment, scientific research centres) and to a skilled workforce for very specific activities.
Suitable environments to set up your company
Local authorities have created business parks destined to host companies working in the territory's strategic sectors. invest-HUB propose you to study for free the opportunities given by these business parks.
Find out more business premises solutions on technology parks, business incubators or business service centres and move closer to your clients and suppliers. invest-HUB leads you to the best locations meeting your project specifications.