That’s the number of foreign subsidiaries based in the Madrid region—representing nearly 44% of all such entities in Spain. This figure alone reflects the central role Madrid plays in the international expansion strategies of companies worldwide.
This presence goes far beyond simple commercial offices. These subsidiaries account for 1.44 million jobs in the region and generate a combined turnover of €537.5 billion. Their economic weight makes them a key driver of qualified employment and industrial activity in the Madrid region.
Several sectors stand out. Aerospace and aeronautics, for example, are highly concentrated in the area: 62% of Spain’s aeronautics turnover and 95% of its aerospace turnover are generated here. In total, 219 production sites have been identified. The data center sector is also expanding rapidly, driven by strong local demand for cloud and AI services, and supported by energy availability above the national average.
Madrid also serves as a gateway to other markets. Many companies choose the region as a base for operating across Spain, Southern Europe, and Latin America. Well-developed logistics and airport infrastructure add to this advantage, as does the high concentration of corporate headquarters and business services.
The regional government plays an active role in this dynamic. A one-stop shop for international investment projects offers support with legal, tax, real estate, and HR matters. Incentive programs are also available for job-creating or high-value-added initiatives, particularly in tech, industry, and business services. In addition, the availability of competitively priced industrial land, even in well-connected zones, further facilitates the setup and scaling phases for companies choosing to establish themselves in the Madrid region.