A green solution to deal with protein deficiency

Business-parks.com has made it easier for “InnovaFeed” to find its research and development site and its production site in France
InnovaFeed is a French company specialised in the production of protein-rich foods for aquaculture. It produces insect flour and bioactive compounds from agricultural co-products in order to make up the future protein shortfall and to participate in the development of sustainable aquaculture methods.

  • Firstly, InnovaFeed has set up 500 m² research laboratories within the biocluster Genopole in Evry near Paris in order to pursue new research and development programs.
  • Then, InnovaFeed has established its first industrial site in Gouzeaucourt, in the region Hauts-de-France, to promote the production of insect flour for fish farms. 

If you wish to find out more about the opportunities for your company near Paris, do not hesitate to contact us at +33 (0)1 78 76 78 00 or implantation@geolink-expansion.com.

An industrial and sustainable production site in Northern France


Finding New Premises in France: A Challenge for Entrepreneurs?

France, le May 27, 2024 par Stéphane Loubet

For an entrepreneur, finding new premises often turns into a complex puzzle. Between financial constraints, administrative regulations, and logistical imperatives, the challenges are numerous. Fortunately, territories—and their economic development agencies—offer significant support to business leaders to overcome this obstacle. Invest-HUB provides more insight into the solutions offered by local authorities to facilitate the establishment and expansion of your business. Read more