A global heavyweight in the sector, the French cultural industries are booming. From animation to cinema, sound, television, and video games, the sector is experiencing rapid growth. As a leading light in the industry, the Montpellier Metropolis is keen to accelerate this growth by offering professionals in the field spaces designed for them within a dynamic and vigorous ecosystem that strives to facilitate the flourishing and structuring of these actors.

"Cultural and Creative Industries will play a decisive role in the future of the metropolis," stated Michaël Delafosse, president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, at the end of 2022. Becoming increasingly grounded in reality, the Creative City validates the community's ambition in this area and endows the territory with a unique space of some 35,000 square meters where CCI professionals can work, test, and experiment with innovative solutions in a bustling sector. Still relatively unknown in France, the sector generated nearly 92 billion euros in turnover and numerous jobs in 2022. This explains the Montpellier Metropolis's desire to encourage the development of the sector and contribute to its structuring.

Cultural and Creative Industries, the Tricolor Spearhead Internationally

In 2022, the Cultural and Creative Industries represented more than 3,000 jobs within the territory, a figure that is rapidly growing. To support this growth, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is offering a new setting that matches the challenge and its ambitions. Labeled an Eco-district, the Creative City will host housing, shops, offices, and public facilities such as a school and a nursery, as well as a park of more than 23 hectares. Iconic buildings like the Halle Tropisme or the ESMA Creative Campus already house many actors who wanted to take advantage of a dynamic and efficient ecosystem with exponential potential. The latest venue, the Museum of the Creative City, will provide a new alternative for professionals in animated imagery (video games, animation/special effects, audiovisual/cinema) as well as sound and audio to showcase Montpellier's know-how worldwide. This project is all the more remarkable as it is part of a vast urban redevelopment program of a former military school.

Spaces Tailored to the Needs of All CCI Actors

Integral to a mixed-use district combining commerce and housing, these iconic places offer spaces adapted to all structures – regardless of their activity or maturity level – with large shared areas as well as private offices, all designed to offer optimal working conditions just a stone's throw from the city center and Montpellier Saint-Roch station.

Support to Accelerate the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries Actors

Created in 2022, the CCI Creation Support Fund aims to encourage the emergence of talent and the sustainable establishment of production companies in the Montpellier area in the fields of fiction, animation, video games, and more. It complements the many other mechanisms supported by the Occitanie Region, the State, and the National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image (CNC) and adds to the support provided within the Montpellier Game Lab incubator and the numerous events – like Iconic – organized by the Montpellier metropolis.

In Montpellier, Cultural and Creative Industries Take Center Stage!


Finding New Premises in France: A Challenge for Entrepreneurs?

France, le May 27, 2024 par Stéphane Loubet

For an entrepreneur, finding new premises often turns into a complex puzzle. Between financial constraints, administrative regulations, and logistical imperatives, the challenges are numerous. Fortunately, territories—and their economic development agencies—offer significant support to business leaders to overcome this obstacle. Invest-HUB provides more insight into the solutions offered by local authorities to facilitate the establishment and expansion of your business. Read more