Offices for rent in La Rochelle

Offices for rent in La Rochelle

Offices for rent in La Rochelle

We list for free for your company all the business premises and offices for rent in La Rochelle, in the region Nouvelle Aquitaine.
invest-HUB is a free assistance service for companies looking for industrial premises and plots. Thanks to our network of business parks and the municipalities of La Rochelle, we can offer you several business premises and offices within business incubators in La Rochelle, meeting your project specifications.

Please note that the former region Poitou-Charentes has merged with the former regions Aquitaine and Limousin and form now the region Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France's biggest region.

Offices within business incubators in La Rochelle

La Rochelle's urban area hosts almost 100 companies less than 5 years old within its 6 "Créatio" business incubators: Créatio SERVICES, Créatio ImagéTIC, Créatio PROD, Créatio ECOactivités, Créatio AGRO and Créatio TECH.
Overall, more than 150 premises and offices for rent in La Rochelle are available for young companies, on a 20 000 m² surface within business incubators.
"Créatio" business incubators in La Rochelle offer several advantages for growing companies: 

  • Offices with a progressive rental price
  • Shared services
  • Tailor-made support throughout your project
  • Themed events
  • Local companies' networking

Project manager

Many offers are not available online.

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