Establish yourself in “ Grand Paris Grand Est ” (the Eastern part of the Greater Paris)

Grand Paris Grand Est is a major stakeholder in the Greater Paris metropolitan area, and the biggest employment area in Europe with 4 million jobs. It is a key partner for businesses or project holders who wish to develop their activity, as it offers numerous mechanisms of financial support to help the creation and the setting of new firms.

The existing service industries and the current development projects take place in a particularly attractive territory, filled with preserved natural landscapes, sports facilities of all kinds, or primary and secondary schools such as the International High school in Noisy-le-Grand. Thanks also to its cultural offer, like the internationally recognized “ Ateliers Médicis ” in Clichy-Montfermeil, the reach and influence of the region goes far beyond its actual limits.

Boosted by the dynamism of the metropolitan area, Grand Paris Grand Est keeps on evolving through numerous development projects and has the potential of exceptional economic growth.

Noisy-le-Grand and Rosny-sous-Bois are two major economic centers at the heart of the transport network, and are yet to develop their potential through extensive projects. For instance, with Rosny Métropolitain, winner of the first edition of the call for proposals aiming to design the Greater Paris (“ Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris ”). Another striking example is the project Maille Horizon Nord, a new generation business district. Situated just next to the International High school, this strategic real estate plan with 60,000m2 of office space falls within a global process of requalification of public space.

Invest in Grand Paris Grand Est

Grand Paris Grand Est has positioned itself as a haven for growing businesses in search of a location which would fit their needs. Grand Paris Grand Est offers a wide tertiary real estate market to accompany businesses:

  • The Mont d’Est district in Noisy-le-Grand: is the first tertiary pole in the East of Paris, with 450,000m2 of office space, 800 establishments and 18,000 jobs, fifteen minutes away from Paris. In 2020, this area will accommodate the new business district of Maille Horizon Nord (60,000m2 of office space).
  • The business and shopping centers of Rosny-sous-Bois: the city harbours two majors regional shopping malls, Rosny 2 (110,000m2) and Domus (60,000m2).


The area offers a quality school system, from kindergarten to higher education.
For instance, the International High school of the East of Paris (LIEP) is a public school of excellence, and allows students to take the International Option Baccalaureate exam (OIB), with a choice between four different sections: American, Arabic, Brazilian and Chinese. The LIEP has also placed innovation at the heart of its projects, with an all-digital teaching (Wifi, tablets, digital textbooks, etc.).
Grand Paris Grand Est is working towards a more efficient collaboration with the Descartes cluster, a first-rate place to exchange between economic, academic and public partners aiming at more sustainable cities. Being so close, Grand Paris Grand Est is surrounded by elite schools and universities, such as the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTechn and the Paris School of Urban Planning. The cluster also includes renowned public and private reaserch centers, like the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) and the Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB).


Grand Paris Grand Est has a dense and expanding transport network directly connected to Paris and the whole conurbation.

  • Seven train stations are served by the RER A and E, high-speed train services linking the suburbs to Paris and its main railroad stations – Gare de Lyon and Gare du Nord.
  • The territory is crossed by four highways (A3 / A4 / A86 / A103).
  • Part of the Grand Paris Express , the creation of the automated subway lines 15 and 16 looping around the capital will integrate even more the business and commercial hub of Rosny-sous- Bois and the development hub of Clichy/Montfermeil, creating a new dynamic and linking the north (Saint-Denis-Pleyel, Bobigny) with the south of the Greater Paris (Créteil, Saclay).
  • Finally, the subway line 11 will be extended from Mairie des Lilas to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in 2022.


Grand Paris Grand Est provides personalized assistance to facilitate the creation of businesses on its territory. This supply of business service is based on:

A lasting support in developping relationships between investors and public and private partners :

  • Great Paris Investment Agency
  • Choose Paris Region,
  • The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Paris
  • The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland
  • The Chamber of Trades and Crafts
  • BPI France
  • The Economic Development Agency of the Descartes Cluster
  • Finding real estate solutions
  • Technological innovations partnerships with Capdigital and the Descartes cluster
  • Supporting firms with their social and environmental projects
  • Providing a network of stakeholders
  • Search for fundings
  • Helping with recruitments and training programs

Sectors / Businesses

Grand Paris Grand Est has:

  • 30,000 firms
  • 4 major economic centers: Noisy-le-Grand, Rosny-sous-Bois, Neuilly-sur-Marne, Clichy and Montfermeil
  • Business centers: Maille Horizon Nord – Mont d’Est and Rosny Métropolitain 
  • Other business parks: ZA Les Richardets in Noisy-le-Grand, ZA Les Mongolfiers in Montfermeil, ZA Les Chanoux in Neuilly-sur-Marne and ZA Les Renouillère in Neuilly-Plaisance

Several renowned companies are already established on the Grand Paris Grand Est territory.

For instance :

  • Digital technology: IBM, Forecomm, Ceritek Planon, LCC France
  • Banking/insurance/asset management/services: Gras SAvoye, Groupama, BNP Real Estate, Pro BTP, Intergros, RATP
  • Food industry: Findus, Lactalis
  • Pharmaceutical and medical industry: Philbo, Carestream, Health France


Grand Paris Grand Est
  • Mégane Colas
  • +33 (0)4 65 84 01 52

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