Business premises and offices in Charleville-Mézières

Business premises and offices in Charleville-Mézières

Business premises and offices in Charleville-Mézières

Are you looking for business premises to develop your company in Charleville-Mézières in the department of Ardennes? Do you want to be sure to choose the best location for your business?

Thanks to our network of territories, we can offer you several offices in Charleville-Mézières that best meet your needs, activity and budget.

Check out our industrial plots in the department of Ardennes as well.

An attractive tax system

Charleville-Mézières is located at the crossroads of important European centres (Paris, Brussels, Liège and Luxembourg) benefiting from exceptional exemptions.
The department of Ardennes proposes the BER aid (Employment Areas that need revitalising), that allows fiscal and social charges exemptions over 5 years.

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