Business incubators
Are you a young entrepreneur? Would you like to create your own start-up? Did you already think about setting up your activity within a business incubator? invest-HUB gives you the opportunity of checking out for free offices, business premises or warehouses within business incubators throughout France. Find out more about the advantages of setting up your activity in a business incubator.
Setting up your activity within a business incubator
Business incubators are hosting and supporting structures for young start-ups or entrepreneurs. Whether in the form of a public, private or community establishment, business incubators generally offer offices and business premises with attractive rent prices, in order to facilitate the launch of new companies.
Business incubators offer further advantages, such as shared services (office duties, meeting rooms, telephone switchboard, documentation room), equipment (copy machines, fax machines, multifunction printers), assistance (preparation of documents, business plan, group training) and a favourable environment for exchanges between entrepreneurs.
Services and advantages of business incubators
Shared services and equipment within business incubators:
- A joint secretariat: phone reception and personalised messaging services, reception, mail delivery
- Large meeting rooms
- Shared spaces for the exchange between entrepreneurs (dining space, break room, cafeteria)
- Documentation room
- Essential equipment, such as copy machines, fax machines, binding machines
Assistance and advice for project leaders and creators:
- Project leaders' reception and orientation, help by filling up files,
- Creators' individual support during the development of their activity,
- Group trainings and conferences about different subjects linked to companies' creation and development.
Assistance to facilitate the entrepreneurs' integration:
- Networking with important stakeholders (banks, experts, laboratories, universities, companies),
- Information about events, competitions and exhibitions.
Business incubators in Paris
More than 80 business incubators are able to host young companies or start-ups. invest-HUB.org is charged with promoting business incubators in most French regions.