Why setting up your business near Paris?

Located at the crossroads of European and global exchanges, the region of Île-de-France is the first French economic region and one of the first in Europe.

A strategic location for your business

The region of Île-de-France has exceptional accessibility. Therefore, it offers to your business a strategic location of first category:

  • 3 international airports
  • 3 port along the Seine (Paris, Rouen and Le Havre)
  • 3 hours from the main European cities (Brussels, Frankfurt and Amsterdam)

Île-de-France, a major business hub in Europe

If you set up your company in Île-de-France, you not only choose a major business center in Europe but also a region involved in innovation and development of companies and startups:

  • The first economic region of Europe with the highest GDP in Europe
  • A consumption area of more than 506 million inhabitants
  • 7 competitiveness clusters to boost innovation
  • The first region of Europe for its capacity and R&D expenditure
  • Europe's most favorable research tax credits

Where to set up your business near Paris?

The region of Île-de-France is the leading business park in Europe with 330 business parks, 52 million m² of offices and 29 million m² of warehouses.

The economy of Île-de-France offers a unique multi-specialization in Europe, with high-tech clusters and research centers, which all of them are in world or European rank. This situation causes inter-sectoral research projects and an emulation in favor of cross-innovation that goes beyond the sectors of activity, to bring out new ones: for example, between ICT and health or between the automobile and eco-activities.

Infrastructures dedicated to biotech companies or biotech startups near Paris:

Companies dedicated to innovation in the health sector will be able to set up within Genopole, the first French biocluster  .

Genopole is the first French biocluster located in Evry dedicated to research in Genomics, Genetics and Biotechnology. Its main objective is to bring together on a single site innovative companies and startups of high technology in life sciences. True scientific campus, Genopole helps and accompanies companies in their development. The Biotech startups benefit from tailored support and companies benefit from shared platforms. Nearly 90 biotech companies and 20 academic research laboratories are grouped together on this campus dedicated to the Health industry.

Companies located in the region of Île-de-France, near Paris

The region of Île-de-France has the largest number of Fortune 500 companies in Europe:

  • More than 800,000 companies in Île-de-France
  • More than 100,000 researchers

Flourishing companies:

  • 816,000 companies in the region of Île-de-France, from high technology sectors to traditional industrial activities
  • First region for the development of startups in Western Europe
  • First destination in the world for business meetings

Industrial leaders:

  • Presence of industrial subcontractors of the aeronautics in Seine-et-Marne: Air France Group - KLM, Gaches Chimie, Alpha Num, ArV, JPB System: 12 million euros in revenue, 7 world patents
  • Industrial companies located in Meaux (Frisquet, YATECH, Magic Rambo, Aptar Seaquist) and logistics (DAHER, KP1, Transports Jacques BARRE, MFCTR)


City of Paris
  • Béatrice Briet
  • +33 (0)4 65 84 01 52

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