Why set up your company in the SICOVAL territory?
Business sector : Environmental industry
Ecological and energy transition sector:
A multitude of participants involved in the ecological transition of the territory:
- Derbi
- Oreade Brèche
- La Mêlée
- GA Smart Building
- Autan Solaire
- Sup Aero
The Sicoval has a Derbi competitiveness hub. Its mission is to develop, at regional, national and international level, innovation, research, training, technology transfer, development and the creation of companies in the field of renewable energies applied to building and industry. The hub brings together more than 170 members who are creating and innovating in the Occitanie region for the energy transition.
Building of the Future hub
Development of the Rivel business park. This business park aims to become the valley of positive energy. Le Rivel is the very example of a project with high environmental standards, in harmony with energy and climate issues. It aims to host renewable energy producers, players in soft mobility and rare metal recycling as well as suppliers of solar panels and geothermal energy.
Territory's grants