Why set up your company in the SICOVAL territory?
Business sector : Food industry
Food processing sector:
The community has several research and innovation establishments in the field of agricultural sciences:
- The Agrobiopole is home to 300 hectares of agri-bioscience organisations and players (innovation, research and teaching) with a future development of agro-industries. The site brings together 60 organisations, laboratories and schools, and has over 3,300 students.
- Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation brings together public and private players in the agriculture, agri-food and agro-industry sectors in the Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions. This cluster brings together a multitude of players as well as an expert club.
The Sicoval territory has all the necessary infrastructures to welcome companies involved in the transformation of products, foodtech companies as well as platforms and logistics for short circuits.
Territory's grants